Safe Harbour
Life is an ocean. It tests us, challenges us, takes us to unknown waters and brings us back to home shore. We need to find our course and our own way of surfing the waves and navigating through the surge. The unknown turns may feel scary and at times we may encounter a drift that changes our direction completely. Yet we shouldn't be scared of the new, because unfamiliar flows that move steadily can take us to interesting new places and new harbours. If we ever drift off course or end up in strange waters, the golden beam shining from the lighthouse over the horizon will guide us back to safety, we only have to look and trust it. Unknown waters also bring along people we haven't yet met and if we get lucky, we may meet a traveller whose flow matches ours creating a unified, even stronger current. Where this stream meets land, the waves hit the beach sand and the wind calms down, peace can enter and a home can be built. This is the place of safety, the place of love - the Safe Harbour.